Member Conduct Code

Game Fun | Community rules

Lets work together to maintain Game Fun as a place for all to come together enjoy games and chat in an environment that we all cherish!

These guidelines are, for all individuals engaging with Game Fun games and content; they establish standards for community conduct. Deal with concerns, without covering every scenario.

Adherencing to these guidelines should be easy to follow. Not doing so could lead to outcomes such, as being suspended or dismissed.

Community Rules:
  • Please refrain from disclosing any details, about individuals that are not already publicly displayed under their username in accordance, with our privacy guidelines.
  • "Game Fun is strongly opposed, to any kind of prejudice and discrimination. We do not tolerate hate in this space."
  • Remember to be polite and show respect to others in any situation. Whether you're chatting online or engaging, in group activities or gaming sessions.
  • Don't try to imitate someone be it another player, like streamer or a famous person or a member of the Game Fun team.
  • Be sure to play and, with integrity during your game time by avoiding cheating or forming alliances and refrain from exploiting glitches in order to adhere to the rules and maintain an enjoyable experience, for all players.
  • At Game Fun we strive to create an environment where every contribution is valued and everyone feels included and respected.
  • The guidelines of the Game Fun encourage an atmosphere, in all shared content and resources to create a welcoming environment for everyone, in the community.
  • In each case of rule violation we will review the situation on a case, by case basis to ensure a just resolution is reached.
  • If you notice someone not following our rules or standards while playing the game kindly utilize the reporting feature, within the game to inform us about it.
  • Be sure to protect your information by managing it securely.

  • This is not the final version of the Game Fun Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!